Most common languages

Most common languages

People have their very own perceptions of what they believe are common and well known languages in the world. People favor what language they are most likely to learn. The world is peopled with diverse kind and numerous languages.

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It is possibly one of the most imperative thing for it allows us to get provisions as a young person, it allows us to get practically anything we want as an adult, and it allows us many hours of activity in the course of writing, broadcasting, music, and films.

The broadness of language leaves few questions on people’s minds: Do the languages we use to communicate with figures the way we contemplate?

Do they simply show judgments, thoughts or beliefs, or do the constructions in languages  point to views we would aspire to demonstrate? Do English, Chinese, Spanish, Indonesian, Russian, and even Filipino speakers differ in their experiences because they speak different languages?

People would wonder if different languages are significantly related to one another even when they are spoken differently from each other and if they influence many speakers and their cultures around the world. We might contemplate that even when languages are being ranked to which is the most common, still and will always be, every single language around this entire planet is unique, important, and mostly a part of our ways of living a good life.

Moreover, there is an assortment of enthusiastic debates, disputes, and deliberations about the most common languages. According to researches as fluctuations of languages in different countries  can be accredited to population growth, as well as how linguists choose to gather dialects and micro languages into bigger groups.

It can also turn aside depending on whether studies take account of only major languages, or the entire languages spoken in a population.

However, the entire such rankings should be used with prudence. It is easier said than done to define the dissimilarity between a language and a dialect, or between a language and a macro language. Chinese for example, it is so often thought of as a single language and sometimes a macro language.

Any separation of speakers among languages is the result of the categorizations of these speakers. Frequently, such categorizations are based on political or cultural factors. Even though such categorizations are not entirely subjective, it is not probable to work out a logical linguistic set of criterion for the limitations between languages.

This article ranks individual languages by their quantity of inhabitant speakers. According to the majority population as of the current research statistically surveyed in year 2016, there are 10 most dominating languages worldwide. The following are listed in order of least to most spoken languages we utilize as of today.

Most Common Languages


First on the list is Mandarin. By means of roughly 955 million inhabitants who use it, Mandarin is the world’s most common language and one that have needs for expert interpretation services.

One of the five main Chinese languages is the Mandarin dialect that is a certified language of China and Taiwan, as well as one of the four sanctioned languages of Singapore. Nearly 14.4 out of a hundred of the world’s inhabitants are native speakers of Mandarin.

Secondly, the Spanish language. Its importance in America as well as in Europe marks Spanish as one of the most common languages which 405 million inhabitants use. The Castilian language in Spain is used as a general custom, although Andalusia and Catalan are also spoken.

Thirdly, the English language. Even when it is considered as the universal language of all time, English language is the second-most common language. But Spanish-speakers have increased over the last 15 years.

Still, researchers have entitled English the world’s “most dominant language,” owing to the number of speakers with more than approximately 360 million inhabitants and the total of countries in which it is spoken.

Fourthly, the Hindi or Urdu. Even though they have diverse written systems, Hindi and Urdu stakes an antiquity, surely numerous communal words, and grammar. Numerous linguists deliberate them dissimilar “lists” of the same communal language and with over 310 million inhabitants speak one of the two.

The Fifth one is Arabic which is being spoken by approximately 295 million inhabitants worldwide. It is also the language of Muslim sanctified writings. It has also prejudiced other most common languages.

For the Sixth on the list, obtaining 215 million inhabitants who uses it worldwide, the Portuguese closely 150 millions of people speak Brazilian Portuguese, the most common language. Portuguese is also the approved language of other nations comprising Angola, Mozambique, and of course Portugal, among others.

Seventh on the list is the Bengali, having approximately 205 million people who speak them, Bengali is the second most extensively spoken language in India, popular in the easternmost countries. Bengali is a sanctioned language of both India and Bangladesh.

For the Eighth on the list is the Russian with closely 155 million inhabitants turned it the world’s most common language. It’s also one of the six approved languages of the United Nations, alongside with Arabic, Mandarin, English, French, and Spanish.

In the Ninth position is the Japanese, having 125 million people who speak Japanese, more than 124 million subsists in Japan and the land mass group of Okinawa. This makes it uncommon among the most common languages in its topographical meditation.

And lastly, is the Punjabi. For more than a decade ago, German claimed the tenth place. However, Punjabi has outdone them.

Having with more than 102 million speakers, Punjabi is mostly spoken in India and Pakistan, and is a native language of 1.44 out of a hundred of the world’s inhabitants.

Common languages are generally the main languages that people use nowadays. As the population growth expands, and as time flies so fast, these current rankings of languages may change at some point of time. Language rankings may vary in numbers of speakers and users as well.

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